The Miracles of Women Rising and Thriving Together!


The Miracles of Women Rising and Thriving Together!

By  Jill Lebeau, MS, LMFT & Amit West, M.A, C.em.p.

Why spend another moment, another ounce of your precious energy and essence feeding toxic femininity, when you can rise and thrive with amazing women who are ready, willing & thrilled to connect, collaborate, & co-create together? To share our Gifts & shine our Light!

Imagine this, sisters inspiring one another instead of cutting each other down. Through projections & the "j" words. Jealousy & Judgment, when you could be focusing on authentic expression, deeper connection and jumping for JOY! Being the miracle for others, allowing others to be the miracle for us. Sound good? Anybody?

Take a moment, breathe this vision in and notice how it feels in your body? In your soul?

Now is the time for all of us to rise & shine, like never before. A whole new paradigm that illuminates the Law of Oneness. That seeds the possibilities across the Cosmos. When women come together in mutual support of one another, miracles happen!

As Amit says, "we move mountains, we weave magic and draw each other's gifts out to share with the world... reflecting each other's magnificence and reminding one another of who we truly are."
Love is the power that can change anything, right? With love, ALL things are possible.
Now is the time to transcend toxic femininity - the old paradigm of competition, jealousy, tearing each other down, body shaming etc. into the new paradigm of heart and soul connection, collaboration, and exciting co-creation. Guess what? There's room for everybody to shine brightly! Recently we had the thrilling experience of welcoming our very special guest and beloved friend, Sherri Cortland, to our podcast, A perfect example of Rising and Thriving Together! As a bonus, and truth be told it was really more of a miracle, when we were recording our podcast episode, Sherri received a channeled message from one of her guides, Olexeoporath. We were completely swept up and overjoyed in the moment as Sherri told us she received a message and asked us if we wanted to hear it. Of course we did! What prompted this miraculous gift, Divinely Timed, from Sherri's Guide as we were talking about Women Rising Up and Thriving together? Olexeoporath wanted us to know, we wield great power!
So dear ones, how do we access that great power? Through our love.
Starting with love for ourselves. As within, so without. Let's face it, we've all been there. From feeling jealousy towards other women to feeling jealousy from other women, we've all experienced the full spectrum of women being pitted against one another. Of course we have, we've been trained to relate to each other as threats as opposed to allies. Let's forgive ourselves and each other and walk in a different direction together, now! Allow us to remind you that the law of reciprocity is you get as you give. In remembering how you felt when your "friends" stabbed you in the back, while proclaiming their love and support for you, how shocking, heart breaking and shattering that was for your oh so sensitive soul. As with all triggers, we invite you to acknowledge your experience, feel your emotions fully and for the love of God, let it go! As you reflect upon those painful experiences, it's likely that we have all gotten entangled in the nightmare of competition, jealousy, shaming and judging other women. So do we want to continue this painful pattern which keeps us stuck in the density of third dimensional beliefs and behaviors? We say no thank you! Been there, done that. We are living the change we want to see in the world. And the more, the merrier. Come join us! Now, what do you want to create and birth? It is, after all, the time of the Great Awakening, and any change you make ripples throughout all of creation. Are you realizing your power as Spirit in form to go forth in full support, not only of your own dreams, but as one willing to offer your gifts to be the miracle for others? To actuate their dreams too? Remember, we are each unique facets of the Divine, when we come together in radical co-creation, we allow those dreams to manifest with easy, effortless flow. We return to Olexeoporath's wisdom. We wield great power. And we would say that our power is in our love, not our competition, jealousy, shaming old patterns of thought and behavior.
So, who are we as wielders of great power? We are Alchemists and Warriors of Love and Light.
So we invite you to take a moment and go within, check in with yourself and see how you operate in the world in thoughts, words and actions.. Are you standing in lack, fear and judgment? If so, how does that feel to you? What do you think you're getting out of it? Truth is, our feelings, frequency and vibration are our calling card in the Universe. When you follow your bliss, as Joseph Campbell taught, when you follow your joy, your passion, you're beaming a beautiful bright Light that is reflected back to you in all directions, and the Universe knows what to give you more of. Abundance? Done. Vibrant health? Inner peace and joy? Also done. Love? Fulfillment and Living your purpose passionately? All are done through you as the unique channel of The Divine that you are!


Jill Lebeau