0033 The Spiritual Sandbox - Embrace and Elevate Your HSPness With Very Special Guest Heidi Connolly!


Have you ever been told “you’re too sensitive?” 

CALLING ALL HSPs (Highly Sensitive Peeps) to the party in the sandbox!! Get ready to embrace and elevate your magnificent, sensitive nature. Why? Because your exquisite sensitivities are your most essential SUPERPOWERS!! Ready to tune into Heidi’s higher perspective and let go of ALL the BS? You know, about how you’re either too much of this or not enough of that?

 Heidi Connolly, The Celestial Professor, has the golden keys that illuminate the New Earth 5th dimensional view of your Divine Gifts. Yes your GIFTS! 

Amit and I were thrilled to welcome Heidi back to The Spiritual Sandbox! She blessed us once again with her down to earth, authentic sharing about her journey, from experiencing the pain of resisting, or pinching herself off from her highly sensitive/intuitive nature, to discovering the glorious truth of who she is, and the incredible love she’s cultivated for herself along the way. Her transformation and transcendence will have you inspired, excited and yes - totally THRILLED - to elevate and celebrate your own journey into greater levels of love for yourself. 

Through Heidi‘s example, we see the amazing potentials to enjoy living beyond anxiety and resistance about our true sensitive nature. When we practice letting go of the resistance, and realize our infinite value, through aligning with the limitless power of our soul… what Heidi calls our “UES” (unique energetic signature)… we discover our true greatness! YAY!!! Our intuitive gifts come online!!! We set ourselves free to bask in our miraculous Divine Nature. And in so doing, we seed the possibilities for humanity to rise up, to elevate into the magnificent beings we ALL were meant to be.

To find out more about Heidi‘s services and creations visit https://www.heidiconnolly.com/ including her newest book, Elevating Your HSP-ness: How To Live A High Frequency Life That Amplifies Your Vibration, Celebrates Your Sensitivities & Uplifts The World! And be sure to check out her brand new online course, The Highly Sensitive Person’s Treatment Breakthrough. https://www.heidiconnolly.com/store/p149/ElevatingYourHSP-NESS.html


SpiritualityAmit West